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Digital Video

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DVT Director

For more information, please contact Don Brunning at

Do you want to work with producers and directors who make REAL TV shows, movies, and web-series?  The Digital Video Academy (DVA) energizes and enhances your original thinking and creativity through the use of state-of-the-art technology using Mac computers and digital industry-standard "hands-on" HD cameras and video production!

DVP1:  Beginning "student producers" learn how to brain-storm and develop your video ideas.  You form production companies, learn to speak the language of movies and TV, write treatments and scripts, draw storyboards, produce, direct, and digitally record and edit your productions. 

DVP2:  As an Intermediate "studio crew member" you have the choice to continue on the path of an independent student producer, or learn how to operate the various components of our digital TV studio.  If you become a studio crew member, you will help to produce our daily Shark News program that is broadcast on various media outlets.

DVP3:  As an Advanced "studio producer" you may either continue your independent productions at a more challenging 3rd year level of production value and critique, or become producers/directors for our daily news show, which allows you to be in charge of those productions.

DVP4:  As an Advanced "studio supervisor" you are in charge of all the productions that take place on and off campus.  You are in charge of our daily production schedule and help to oversee all activities that culminate in any final video or TV show from our facility.  You also become a part of the evaluation process for assessing the production value of all media produced here at SHARK TV.

DVT Program Video

DVT Program Downloads


Donald Brunning

Donald Brunning