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School Counseling

Contact Information:

School Counselors

School counselors are an important part of the educational leadership team and provide valuable assistance to students regardless of their assigned grade level. Our dedicated counselors spend the majority of time in direct contact with our students. This is extremely important. High school is the final transition into adulthood and the world of work as students begin separating from parents and exploring and defining their independence. Students are deciding who they are, what they do well, and what they will do when they graduate. Our counseling staff understands this transition. During these adolescent years, students are evaluating their strengths, skills and abilities. Our AHS counselors are devoted to helping our students navigate through what could become a very turbulent time in a student's life to ensure students reach academic goals and graduation successfully.


Phone: 386-322-6100
    Fax: 386-506-0001


Office Staff:

Registrar:  Carrie Shipley, ext. 38141     


Guidance Clerk:  Shanna Anderson, ext. 38497        


Data Clerk:  Brenda Bender, ext. 38118


Student appointment requests for dual enrollment can be made here:


Atlantic High School

1250 Reed Canal Road
Port Orange, Florida 32129

386-322-6100 Phone Ext. 38497
386-506-0001 Fax

Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. until 3:30 p.m.

Enrollment/Withdrawal Appointments:
8:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m.
(By appointment only)





 If you are experiencing an emergency after hours here are a few hotlines available to you:

  Suicide prevention hotline - 1-800-784-2433

  Crisis intervention hotline - 1-800-273-TALK

  Mental Health assistance - 1 - 800-539-4228

or if you are experiencing an emergency - dial 911