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Locker Information

Kirk, Austin. “Locker Doors.” Flickr, Yahoo!, 18 Feb. 2013,

Locker Information

Locker rentals are $10 for the school year and are sold on a first come, first serve basis. Locks are provided with each locker and you may NOT use your own lock.

**Students are not authorized to share lockers due to health and safety concerns**

Lockers may be purchased online through your V-Portal. Once your purchase is confirmed the locker bay, location, and combination will be sent to the student's VCS email the following school day. Please keep this email for future reference in case you forget your locker location/combination.


Lockers must be emptied prior to the last day of school, and the lock should remain on your locker. A missing lock will result in a $10 obligation.

Please see or email Ms. Williams in SRC if you have any questions or concerns.